The truth is that research in the public interest is dying around the world. Top research talent is being poached by financial institutions, Big Tech firms (MAANG) and others. Top international research institutions branded as impartial are funded in large part by donors with special interests.

I strive to do research with folks interested in revealing what may be present but overlooked; for lack of a better phrase, "telling the Emperor he has no clothes." This is critical to find fresh insights and new solutions, for conformity to theories that no longer serve scholarship or practice is not what this world needs.

Change happens by asking the questions that matter to leaders and builders on the ground. Those questions make it easier to build community with those passionate, pragmatic and skilled scholars who also want to use their research to find answers and solutions to important problems.

I conduct research as a way to move towards the personal tasks I have set for myself.

I strive to:

  1. Help individuals and teams find their best use for the resources that they have on hand and actively choose to pursue or employ (including technology, networks, but also their person and life)
  2. Enable clarity of thinking and feeling by:
    1. offering resources to reduce internal noise (unaddressed emotional conflicts)
    2. offering resources to filter out external noise (distractions)
    3. offering resources to evaluate and identify signals: the **explanatory (**versus confounding factors)
  3. Contribute to the richness of the human experience by promoting projects that will lead to thriving communities, including those:
    1. resource-generating projects (financial resources included)
    2. problem-solving projects (addressing UNDSGs and/or other community goals)
    3. cultural projects (conserving and/or respectfully remixing those images, experiences, sounds, sculptures, artefacts of diverse humans, including those from marginalized communities)

The big question always at the top of my mind:

How can we weave in more individuals and communities to benefit from the gifts of our earth?

The small(er) questions:

  1. How do value-creating projects (creating revenue/products/services/experiences) emerge?
  2. How can facilitation help more value-creating projects (creating revenue/products/services/experiences) emerge?
  3. How can we redirect more resources to value-creating projects (creating revenue/products/services/experiences)?
  4. How can resources created by value-creating projects (revenue/products/services/experiences) be shared more intentionally, meaningfully and more widely? What role does
  5. How do project leaders relate to the communities they interact with?

The sub-tasks: